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"Kebanyakan pria mengalami ejakulasi dini setidaknya sekali dalam hidup mereka. Sering kali remaja dan pemuda mengalami ejakulasi dini pada hubungan seksual pertama mereka, tapi akhirnya belajar mengendalikan ejakulasi. Karena ada variabilitas yang besar dalam kedua berapa lama laki-laki untuk ejakulasi dan berapa lama kedua pasangan menginginkan seks untuk terakhir, para peneliti telah mulai membentuk kuantitatif definisi ejakulasi prematur. ini bukti yang mendukung intravaginal ejakulasi rata-rata waktu latency (IELT) dari enam setengah menit dalam 18-30 tahun. Jika gangguan didefinisikan sebagai sebuah IELT persentil bawah 2.5, maka ejakulasi dini dapat diusulkan oleh IELT kurang dari sekitar satu setengah menit. Walaupun demikian, baik diterima bahwa laki-laki dengan IELTS dibawah 1.5 menit bisa "bahagia" dengan kinerja mereka dan tidak melaporkan kurangnya kontrol dan karena itu tidak menderita dari PE. Di sisi lain, seorang pria dengan 2 menit IELT bisa hadir dengan persepsi miskin kendali atas ejakulasi, sedih tentang kondisinya, memiliki kesulitan interpersonal dan karenanya dapat didiagnosis dengan PE. "
"Premature ejaculation (PE), also known as, rapid ejaculation, rapid climax, premature climax or early ejaculation, is the most common sexual problem in men, affecting 25%-40% of men. It is characterized by a lack of voluntary control over ejaculation. Masters and Johnson stated that a man suffers from premature ejaculation if he ejaculates before his sex partner achieves orgasm in more than fifty percent of their sexual encounters. Other sex researchers have defined premature ejaculation as occurring if the man ejaculates within two minutes of penetration; however, a survey by Alfred Kinsey in the 1950s demonstrated that three quarters of men ejaculate within two minutes of penetration in over half of their sexual encounters. Today, most sex therapists understand premature ejaculation as occurring when a lack of ejaculatory control interferes with sexual or emotional well-being in one or both partners.
"Most men experience premature ejaculation at least once in their lives. Often adolescents and young men experience premature ejaculation during their first sexual encounters, but eventually learn ejaculatory control. Because there is great variability in both how long it takes men to ejaculate and how long both partners want sex to last, researchers have begun to form a quantitative definition of premature ejaculation. Current evidence supports an average intravaginal ejaculation latency time (IELT) of six and a half minutes in 18-30 year olds. If the disorder is defined as an IELT percentile below 2.5, then premature ejaculation could be suggested by an IELT of less than about one and a half minutes. Nevertheless, it is well accepted that men with IELTs below 1.5 minutes could be "happy" with their performance and do not report a lack of control and therefore do not suffer from PE. On the other hand, a man with 2 minutes IELT could present with perception of poor control over his ejaculation, distressed about his condition, has interpersonal difficulties and therefore be diagnosed with PE."
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