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Gunakan: untuk mengobati diabetes pada orang dewasa (akhir-onset diabetes), pencernaan yang buruk, radang lambung, gangguan pencernaan dan TB, nyeri haid, sakit dan kurangnya tenaga kerja laktasi, atas kehilangan libido, menyakitkan testikel dan ejakulasi dini, penurunan berat badan, anoreksia dan miskin nafsu makan, sakit terkait ginjal, sakit pinggang, menyakitkan testikel, hernia, edema kaki, afrodisiak, untuk pencernaan dan bronkial keluhan, encok dan radang sendi, radang kulit, borok, bisul, eksim dan selulit
Properties: increases milk-flow, stimulates the uterus, soothes irritated tissues, lowers fever, reduces blood sugar, improves digestion, promotes healing, has laxative, expectorant, diuretic, anti-parasitic and anti-tumor effects, to promote hair growth (men).
Use: to treat diabetes in adults (late-onset diabetes), poor digestion, gastric inflammation, digestive disorders and tuberculosis, painful menstruation, labor pains and insufficient lactation, for loss of libido, painful testicles and premature ejaculation, weight loss, anorexia and for poor appetite, kidney related pain, back ache, painful testicles, hernia, edema of the legs, an aphrodisiac, for digestive and bronchial complaints, gout and arthritis, skin inflammations, ulcers, boils, eczema and cellulite
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