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Break Your Fasting On Dates
By Health & Science Staff Oleh Kesehatan & Sains Staf |



“Break your fast by eating dates as it is purifying.” (Narrated by Ahmad) "Break puasa dengan makan kurma seperti yang memurnikan." (HR. Ahmad)
رواة أحمد رواة أحمد | (إذا افطر أحدكم فليفطر على تمر فإنه طهور) (إذا افطر أحدكم فليفطر على تمر فإنه طهور) |
He said in another Hadith: Katanya dalam hadis lain:
رواة مسلم و أحمد رواة مسلم و أحمد | (إن فى تمر العالية شفاء) (إن فى تمر العالية شفاء) |
“The date that is from high [branches] is a cure”. "Tanggal itu adalah dari tinggi [cabang] adalah obat". (Narrated by Muslim and Ahmad.) (HR. Muslim dan Ahmad.)
Let's look at the characteristics and benefits of dates. Mari kita lihat ciri-ciri dan manfaat dari tanggal.
Date palm, Phoenix dactylifera L., is one of the oldest fruit trees in the world, known as the tree of life. Tanggal sawit, Phoenix dactylifera L., merupakan salah satu pohon buah-buahan tertua di dunia, yang dikenal sebagai pohon kehidupan. The number of date palms is about 105 million worldwide covering an area of 800,000 ha, of which 62 million palms are found in the Arab world. Jumlah kurma adalah sekitar 105 juta di seluruh dunia seluas 800.000 ha, dari 62 juta pohon palem yang ditemukan di dunia Arab. The place of origin of the date palm is uncertain. Tempat asal dari kurma tidak pasti. Some claim that the date palm first originated in Babel, Iraq, while others believe that it originated in Dareen or Hoff, Saudi Arabia or Harqan, an island on the Arabian Gulf in Bahrain. Beberapa menyatakan bahwa kurma pertama yang berasal dari Babel, Irak, sementara yang lain percaya bahwa hal itu berasal dari Dareen atau Hoff, Arab Saudi atau Harqan, sebuah pulau di Teluk Arab di Bahrain.
The date palm is a perennial plant and is characterized by its slow growth. Kurma adalah tanaman abadi dan dicirikan oleh pertumbuhan yang lambat. There are male and female trees. Ada pohon laki-laki dan perempuan. The females normally begin to bear dates within an average of five years from the time of planting. Betina biasanya mulai tanggal beruang dalam rata-rata lima tahun dari masa tanam. The date palm can live for about 150 years. Kurma dapat hidup selama sekitar 150 tahun.
Date palm is distributed throughout the Middle East, North Africa and South Sahel, areas of East and South Africa, Central and South America and even in Southern Europe (Spain and Italy). Kurma didistribusikan di seluruh Timur Tengah, Afrika Utara dan Sahel Selatan, wilayah Timur dan Afrika Selatan, Amerika Tengah dan Selatan dan bahkan di Eropa Selatan (Spanyol dan Italia).
On a commercial scale, the Middle East and North Africa are the major date palm producing areas in the world. Pada skala komersial, Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara adalah besar daerah penghasil kurma di dunia.
Date palm trees are essential integral components of farming systems in arid and semi-arid regions, and can be produced equally well in small farm units or as large scale commercial plantations. Pohon kurma yang penting terpisahkan dari sistem pertanian kering dan semi-daerah kering, dan dapat diproduksi sama baiknya di unit-unit pertanian kecil atau sebagai perkebunan komersial skala besar. The great advantage of the tree is its resilience, its need for only limited water input, its long-term productivity and its multiple purpose qualities. Keuntungan besar dari pohon adalah ketahanan, yang membutuhkan input air terbatas, jangka panjang produktivitas dan kualitas tujuan ganda.
The fruit of the date palm is delicious and sweet. Buah kurma yang lezat dan manis. In addition to producing a valuable dessert fruit, valuable by-products such as building materials and versatile starting materials for handicrafts can be derived from its leaves and trunks. Selain menghasilkan buah pencuci mulut yang berharga, yang berharga oleh-produk seperti bahan bangunan dan serbaguna untuk kerajinan bahan awal dapat diturunkan dari daun dan batang. The palm tree is one of the basic elements of the flora in the region and supplies 1.4 million tons of DPLM (date palm leaves) annually. Pohon palem adalah salah satu elemen dasar flora di kawasan dan persediaan 1,4 juta ton DPLM (daun kurma) setiap tahun.
The date palm also makes a significant contribution towards the creation of equable microclimates within oasis ecosystems, thus enabling agricultural development to be sustained in many drought-and saline-affected areas. Kurma juga membuat kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap penciptaan oasis yg hampir tdk berubah microclimates dalam ekosistem, sehingga memungkinkan untuk pembangunan pertanian berkelanjutan di banyak kekeringan dan garam-daerah yang terkena dampak.
Nutritional value of dates: Nilai gizi tanggal:
The nutritional value of the relatively easy-to-store date fruit is high in sugar - comprising up to 70% of the fruit. Nilai gizi yang relatif mudah-toko buah tanggal gula tinggi - yang terdiri dari hingga 70% dari buah. (In most varieties the sugar component consists of glucose and fructose.) Dates are also good sources of iron, potassium (150mg in 100g), magnesium (important for use of voluntary muscles), sulphur, copper, calcium and phosphorus (important in building muscles and neuro-tissues), along with various vitamins, including thiamine, riboflavin, biotin, folic and ascorbic acid. (Pada kebanyakan varietas komponen gula terdiri dari glukosa dan fruktosa.) Kurma juga sumber baik zat besi, kalium (150mg dalam 100g), magnesium (penting untuk penggunaan otot sukarela), belerang, tembaga, kalsium dan fosfor (penting dalam membangun neuro-otot dan jaringan), bersama dengan berbagai vitamin, termasuk tiamin, riboflavin, biotin, folat dan asam askorbat. Water is 13.8% and proteins are about 3%. Air adalah 13,8% dan protein sekitar 3%.
One kilogram of dates gives the body 3470 calories shortly after eating it. Satu kilogram kurma memberikan 3.470 kalori tubuh tak lama setelah makan itu. This energy will satisfy your appetite, which is very important especially while breaking your fasting. Energi ini akan memuaskan selera Anda, yang sangat penting terutama ketika melanggar puasa Anda.
This rich fruit plays an important role in the nutrition of human populations in the above regions. Buah yang kaya ini memainkan peran penting dalam gizi populasi manusia di daerah atas. Its use also as a supplement fodder for livestock gives the tree more value. Penggunaannya juga sebagai suplemen pakan ternak untuk ternak pohon memberikan nilai lebih. The secondary products generated from fruits are syrups, jams, ice creams, baby foods, alcoholic beverages and soft drinks. Produk sekunder yang dihasilkan dari buah-buahan adalah sirup, selai, es krim, makanan bayi, minuman beralkohol dan minuman ringan. Small and intermediate-scale industries can therefore be supported over long term periods in both urban and rural situations. Kecil dan industri skala menengah oleh karena itu dapat didukung selama periode jangka panjang baik di perkotaan dan pedesaan situasi. This is reflected in its widely acknowledged sustainability value in social, economic and ecological terms. Hal ini tercermin dalam nilai keberlanjutan diakui secara luas dalam sosial, ekonomi dan ekologis.
An ongoing study at Ain Shams University in Cairo has been exploring the possibilities of manufacturing wood from the midrib sections of date palm leaves, which are abundant in Egypt and the Arab world Sebuah studi yang berkelanjutan di Ain Shams University di Kairo telah mengeksplorasi kemungkinan manufaktur kayu dari bagian pelepah daun kurma, yang berlimpah di Mesir dan dunia Arab
Palm trees (Nakhl) in Quran: Pohon palem (Nakhl) dalam Quran:
Nakhl is mentioned frequently in the Quran, especially when showing the miracles of Allah's creation and the pleasures, which were created for man. Nakhl sering disebutkan dalam Quran, terutama ketika menunjukkan keajaiban ciptaan Allah dan kenikmatan, yang diciptakan untuk manusia.النحل 11 النحل 11 | ( ينبت لكم به الزرع والزيتون والنخيل والأعناب ومن كل الثمرات إن فى ذلك لآية لقوم يتفكرون ) (ينبت لكم به الزرع والزيتون والنخيل والأعناب ومن كل الثمرات إن فى ذلك لآية لقوم يتفكرون) |
With it He produces for you corn, olives, date palms, grapes and every kind of fruit; verily this is a sign for those who give thought. Dengan itu Dia menghasilkan untuk Anda jagung, zaitun, kurma, anggur dan segala macam buah-buahan; Sesungguhnya ini adalah tanda bagi orang-orang yang memikirkan. (Surat an-Nahl: verse 11) (QS. An-Nahl: ayat 11)
Also, in the story of Maryam, pains drove the blessed mother of Jesus (peace be upon them) to the trunk of a palm tree. Juga, dalam kisah Maryam, sakit mengusir ibu diberkati Yesus (damai kepada mereka) ke batang pohon palem. She was ordered to eat from the fresh ripe dates. Dia diperintahkan untuk makan dari tanggal matang segar.
مريم 25 و26 25 مريم و 26 | ( وهزى إليك بجزع النخلة تساقط عليك رطبا جنيا ... فكلى و اشربى و قرى عينا ) (وهزى إليك بجزع النخلة تساقط عليك رطبا جنيا ... فكلى و اشربى و قرى عينا) |
And shake towards thyself the trunk of the palm tree, it will let fall fresh ripe dates upon thee…So eat and drink and cool (thine) eye. Terhadap dirimu sendiri dan kocok batang pohon palem, itu akan membiarkan matang segar tanggal jatuh atasmu ... Maka makan, minum dan sejuk (Mu) mata. (Surat Maryam: verses 25, 26)According to scientific studies, the ripe date contains a substance that urges uterine spasms and increases contractions especially in the time of delivery. (QS. Maryam: ayat 25, 26) Menurut penelitian ilmiah, tanggal yang matang mengandung zat yang mendesak rahim kontraksi kejang dan meningkat terutama di saat melahirkan. This substance resembles 'oxytocin' that is secreted by the interior lobe of pituitary gland, which encourages contractions of the uterus. Zat ini mirip 'oksitosin' yang dikeluarkan oleh lobus interior kelenjar hipofisis, yang mendorong kontraksi uterus.
The best kind of palm tree is the kind that is grown without any artificial chemicals, sprays, fumigants, or sulphur and without steaming, hydrating or preservatives. Yang terbaik pohon palem jenis adalah jenis yang ditanam tanpa bahan kimia buatan, semprotan, fumigants, atau sulfur dan tanpa uap, Hydrating atau pengawet.
California is one of the places where they are grown that way: 68 feet below sea level in the 110-degree heat of the California desert. California adalah salah satu tempat di mana mereka tumbuh seperti itu: 68 meter di bawah permukaan laut di 110-derajat panas dari gurun California.
Don't miss a breakfast with dates when sunset appears. Jangan lewatkan sarapan dengan tanggal pada saat matahari terbenam muncul.
Break Your Fasting On Dates
By Health & Science Staff |



“Break your fast by eating dates as it is purifying.” (Narrated by Ahmad)
رواة أحمد | (إذا افطر أحدكم فليفطر على تمر فإنه طهور) |
He said in another Hadith:
رواة مسلم و أحمد | (إن فى تمر العالية شفاء) |
“The date that is from high [branches] is a cure”. (Narrated by Muslim and Ahmad.)
Let’s look at the characteristics and benefits of dates.
Date palm, Phoenix dactylifera L., is one of the oldest fruit trees in the world, known as the tree of life. The number of date palms is about 105 million worldwide covering an area of 800,000 ha, of which 62 million palms are found in the Arab world. The place of origin of the date palm is uncertain. Some claim that the date palm first originated in Babel, Iraq, while others believe that it originated in Dareen or Hoff, Saudi Arabia or Harqan, an island on the Arabian Gulf in Bahrain.
The date palm is a perennial plant and is characterized by its slow growth. There are male and female trees. The females normally begin to bear dates within an average of five years from the time of planting. The date palm can live for about 150 years.
Date palm is distributed throughout the Middle East, North Africa and South Sahel, areas of East and South Africa, Central and South America and even in Southern Europe (Spain and Italy).
On a commercial scale, the Middle East and North Africa are the major date palm producing areas in the world.
Date palm trees are essential integral components of farming systems in arid and semi-arid regions, and can be produced equally well in small farm units or as large scale commercial plantations. The great advantage of the tree is its resilience, its need for only limited water input, its long-term productivity and its multiple purpose qualities.
The fruit of the date palm is delicious and sweet. In addition to producing a valuable dessert fruit, valuable by-products such as building materials and versatile starting materials for handicrafts can be derived from its leaves and trunks. The palm tree is one of the basic elements of the flora in the region and supplies 1.4 million tons of DPLM (date palm leaves) annually.
The date palm also makes a significant contribution towards the creation of equable microclimates within oasis ecosystems, thus enabling agricultural development to be sustained in many drought-and saline-affected areas.
Nutritional value of dates:
The nutritional value of the relatively easy-to-store date fruit is high in sugar - comprising up to 70% of the fruit. (In most varieties the sugar component consists of glucose and fructose.) Dates are also good sources of iron, potassium (150mg in 100g), magnesium (important for use of voluntary muscles), sulphur, copper, calcium and phosphorus (important in building muscles and neuro-tissues), along with various vitamins, including thiamine, riboflavin, biotin, folic and ascorbic acid. Water is 13.8% and proteins are about 3%.
One kilogram of dates gives the body 3470 calories shortly after eating it. This energy will satisfy your appetite, which is very important especially while breaking your fasting.
This rich fruit plays an important role in the nutrition of human populations in the above regions. Its use also as a supplement fodder for livestock gives the tree more value. The secondary products generated from fruits are syrups, jams, ice creams, baby foods, alcoholic beverages and soft drinks. Small and intermediate-scale industries can therefore be supported over long term periods in both urban and rural situations. This is reflected in its widely acknowledged sustainability value in social, economic and ecological terms.
An ongoing study at Ain Shams University in Cairo has been exploring the possibilities of manufacturing wood from the midrib sections of date palm leaves, which are abundant in Egypt and the Arab world
Palm trees (Nakhl) in Quran:
Nakhl is mentioned frequently in the Quran, especially when showing the miracles of Allah’s creation and the pleasures, which were created for man.النحل 11 | (ينبت لكم به الزرع والزيتون والنخيل والأعناب ومن كل الثمرات إن فى ذلك لآية لقوم يتفكرون) |
With it He produces for you corn, olives, date palms, grapes and every kind of fruit; verily this is a sign for those who give thought. (Surat an-Nahl: verse 11)
Also, in the story of Maryam, pains drove the blessed mother of Jesus (peace be upon them) to the trunk of a palm tree. She was ordered to eat from the fresh ripe dates.
مريم 25 و26 | (وهزى إليك بجزع النخلة تساقط عليك رطبا جنيا ... فكلى و اشربى و قرى عينا) |
And shake towards thyself the trunk of the palm tree, it will let fall fresh ripe dates upon thee…So eat and drink and cool (thine) eye. (Surat Maryam: verses 25, 26)According to scientific studies, the ripe date contains a substance that urges uterine spasms and increases contractions especially in the time of delivery. This substance resembles ‘oxytocin’ that is secreted by the interior lobe of pituitary gland, which encourages contractions of the uterus.
The best kind of palm tree is the kind that is grown without any artificial chemicals, sprays, fumigants, or sulphur and without steaming, hydrating or preservatives.
California is one of the places where they are grown that way: 68 feet below sea level in the 110-degree heat of the California desert.
Don’t miss a breakfast with dates when sunset appears.
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